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Wicked Wolff
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Wicked Wolff
The Wicked Ones, Volume 1
Reese Spenser
Published by Happy Endings, LLC, 2020.
This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
First edition. July 1, 2020.
Copyright © 2020 Reese Spenser.
ISBN: 978-1386372172
Written by Reese Spenser.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1 | Dorian
Chapter 2 | Olivia
Chapter 3 | Dorian
Chapter 4 | Olivia
Chapter 5 | Dorian
Chapter 6 | Olivia
Chapter 7 | Dorian
Chapter 8 | Olivia
Chapter 9 | Dorian
Chapter 10 | Olivia
Chapter 11 | Dorian
Chapter 12 | Olivia
Chapter 13 | Dorian
Chapter 14 | Olivia
Chapter 15 | Dorian
Chapter 16 | Olivia
Chapter 17 | Dorian
Chapter 18 | Olivia
Chapter 19 | Dorian
Chapter 20 | Olivia
Chapter 21 | Dorian
Chapter 22 | Olivia
Chapter 23 | Dorian
Chapter 24 | Olivia
Chapter 25 | Dorian
Chapter 26 | Olivia
Epilogue | Dorian
Thank You
About the Author
Chapter 1
WOLFF; IT'S NOT JUST my name, it's who I am. An apex predator always on the hunt. The Gray Wolf has become synonymous with the name Dorian Wolff. It's a brand I've work hard to build. I'm at the top of the food chain and dependent on no one. I make the rules and I have only one. "Do. Not. Fuck. With. Me.” Tonight, I’m on the prowl, waiting to catch the scent of something new. The only problem is, with this crowd, I’ve already fucked most of the women twice. It’s a self-imposed limit. Any number of them would gladly jump into my bed tonight. But I don’t want or need any attachments. There are too many women in this town willing to be added to the rotation. Women willing to accept my terms, while satisfying my needs. But, like I said, tonight I’m craving something a little more challenging.
“Dorian darling. When did you arrive?” My head turns in the direction of a familiar voice.
“Elise.” I greet her pleasantly as she leans in close, offering her cheek to me.
Elise Michaels has chosen tonight to make her debut. She has been recovering the last few months from extensive cosmetic surgery. The woman has been nipped and tucked so many times, if I didn’t recognize her voice, I wouldn’t have known this person standing before me. The aging B list actress has been trying to stage a comeback for the past five years. She was quite beautiful in her youth and before all the plastic surgeries. I can recall the first time we met. She had been crying in my mom’s arms, after losing a part in a movie she was sure she already had. That was the first time I heard the term ‘casting couch.’
My father, a man I admire to this day, yelled to Elise. “Stay off the damn casting couch Elise.” Before my dad could utter another word, my mom shooed him away. It seems she’s made her career by bending over every casting couch from Hollywood to Bollywood. But as a longtime friend of my parents, she’s the closest thing I have to family in this town.
“Have you met her yet?” Elise’s question refocuses my attention, stopping me from wandering farther down the poor little rich orphan road.
“Met who?”
“Olivia Frost, the guest of honor. She won top prize on that cooking show you produce.”
Top prize being her very own cooking show produced by yours truly.
“I haven’t had the pleasure.” Having only just arrive on the scene, I’m in no hurry to make my presence known. A party like this is filled with wannabe actors and actresses; every single one of them know who I am. And before the inhabitants start to roam the asylum, I’m taking whatever precious little time this event allows me, to just mingle freely.
“What the hell is he doing here?” I follow Elise’s line of vision, finding the one face in the crowd she vowed she never wanted to see again. Nigel Weston, one of her many ex-husbands. He’s her import from the UK and husband number four. Before I can respond, she’s excusing herself and traipsing off in Nigel’s direction.
I watch her walk away and witness the moment the fight leaves her, when Nigel pulls her into his arms, kissing her tenderly. My phone vibrates with an incoming call. Stepping away from the gathering crowd, I search for a quiet place to answer the call. I’m approaching the kitchen when the most mouthwatering aroma assaults my senses.
“I’ll have to call you back.“ I say into the phone, ending the call before the party on the other end can respond.
Stepping further into the kitchen, I watch as an angelic creature moves gracefully, completely unaware that the devil is at her back.
“The sauce was a little bland; I just added a little flavor to it,” she announces, with her back to me. “Would you like to taste it?”
Oh, god; yes.
“Very much.”
She dips a spoon into the sauce before turning to face me. Her glacier blue eyes meet the steely gray of mine. A fleeting moment of silence holds us captive. She offers me the spoon, spilling some of the sauce on her fingers. I take the spoon, capturing her hand, licking the sauce from her fingers.
Holding her hand, I give her my most wolfish grin. “Delicious.”
The flush of embarrassment turns her cheeks a rosy pink. And I desperately want to know what the color would look like on her ass covered with welts. The thought makes my cock twitch.
She takes a step back, snatching her hand away and placing it behind her back. Hiding it from me no doubt. She’s wise to be cautious. That small taste of her has me hungry for more. Now that there is some distance between us, I take her in fully. The first thing I notice is, she’s not a typical Hollywood starlet. Even in this eighty-degree weather, she’s modestly covered. Her face is nearly absent of makeup, but I’m guessing she’s about twenty years old. Young but legal. Her icy blue eyes and platinum blonde hair flowing down her back contradicts the sunshine I see radiating from her. There’s a glow about her that shines from within.
“Are you going to just stare at me all night?” The angel speaks, breaking the spell I’m temporarily under.
“If that’s what you want. But I can think of better ways to fill your night.”
Her cheeks are blushing again, but this time she stands her ground meeting my gaze.
“And what makes you think I’m interested in...”
We’re interrupted by the harsh sound of yet another familiar voice. Observing that he’s not alone he abruptly ends the call he’s on.
Has everyone decided to escape to the kitchen? I tear my gaze away from the ethereal beauty to address the unwelcome intruder.
“Colin.” I say by way of greeting.
“I see you’re not wasting any time.”
His comment annoys me, even more so when a whisper of a voice says, “excuse me.” Leaving Colin and I alone in the kitchen.
“I guess she shot you down too.”
I don’t answer; instead I ask a question of my own.
“Who is she?”
“That’s Frosty.”
“Excuse me.” I say, echoing the words I just heard.
“That’s Olivia Frost. She earned the nickname Frosty, after every man who has come near her since she was a contestant on ‘I Want To Be A Celebrity Chef,’ has been shot down cold. No pun intended. With her blonde hair and glacier blue eyes, she’s every bit a snow princess.”
I guarantee I can
make her melt.
“We haven’t officially met. I thought she was part of the catering staff.”
“If it’s any consolation, she’s an excellent chef and should make you and the show a ton of money.”
I already have more money than I will spend in this lifetime or the next. The only child of two Hollywood legends, I inherited a fortune when they died nearly twenty years ago. As an adult, I have more than quadrupled my net worth. Not to brag, but I’m one of Hollywood’s youngest most powerful and successful writer/director/producer. I’ve come a long way since the Mickey Mouse Club. Like Britney, Justin, Ryan, and Christina; those days are a part of my past.
“Would you like me to make an introduction?“ Colin asks.
Reminding me that he was one of the celebrity judges of the show. Colin Paine; restaurateur, celebrity chef, author and a royal pain in the ass to most. And a man I consider a close friend.
“No. I think I’ll just mingle for an hour or so before calling it a night.” He nods, understanding that I enjoy parties of a more private nature.
We make our way back into the fray. My reappearance garners immediate attention from the partygoers. All except one. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she’s intentionally avoiding my gaze. I watch her, willing her to look my way. I lose sight of her when a crowd gathers around me, hindering my view. And I find myself resenting the obstruction. The gods smile on me when I hear Elise’s voice. The crowd parts like the red sea, allowing her passage. Elise sashays up to me with Olivia Frost in tow.
“Dorian darling.” She says, taking my hand in hers. “You simply must me this lovely girl.”
“Miss Frost.” I say, freeing my hand from Elise’s grasp. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
With a slight hesitation, she extends the hand I licked moments ago. She’s still embarrassed, I see it in those icy blue eyes. The way she looks, purposely from Elise to Colin, eluding my gaze.
“Nice to meet you too, Mr. Wolff.”
I held her hand a little longer than I should before releasing it.
“Please, call me Dorian.”
“Only if you call me Olivia.” This time she holds my gaze.
“Alright; Olivia it is.” I say, my voice is a low growl. And I realize how much I want to hear her say my name. How much I want to hear her scream my name. My cock starts to swell, imagining her under me and at my mercy. “Olivia, did you move to Los Angeles for the show?” I say her name again, hoping that she will reciprocate.
“Yes, I moved here from New York three months ago.”
“And how do you like it?” Beside me Colin clears his throat, undoubtedly not missing the intended double entendre.
“I love the weather, but I’m still finding my way around.”
“I’d be happy to give you a tour of the city.”
“And your playroom.” Colin says for my ears only.
“That’s very kind of you, but I can manage on my own. I like getting lost and discovering new things.”
The things I can help her discover, will have her getting lost in me.
“Let me buy you a drink Elise.” Colin offers, finally earning his wing man status. Fortunately, I haven’t needed him in that capacity for a very long time.
The crowd seems to have taken the hint and have backed off, leaving me alone with Olivia. I point to a nearby sitting area, intending to continue our conversation.
“It’s getting late. I really must go.”
Hearing her words, disappointment flows through me.
“Can’t you stay a little longer? The party is in your honor.”
“I won’t be missed.” She says.
I’m not so sure about that. I keep the thought to myself.
“Let me walk you out.”
I place my hand at the small of her back, unable to resist the urge to touch her again. I lead her to the front door, aware that all eyes are on us.
“That’s me,” she says, pointing to the sporty red Mercedes convertible. She climbs behind the wheel, removing her heels, before changing into a pair of flip flops. “Will you be at the studio on Monday?” My brow raises involuntarily, questioning her. “For the first day of taping my show,” she adds.
“Is that an invitation?”
Covering her eyes with a pair of shades, she responds. “Do you need one? You own the studio after all.”
“That I do,” I confirm, making a mental note to clear my calendar for Monday. There is no way I’m not seeing her again the first chance I get.
“Good night, Mr. Wolff,” Olivia says, shutting the driver’s side door before starting the ignition.
“Good night, Miss Frost.” I say, stepping away from her car.
I watch as she drives away, until her taillights become too faint for me to see.
When she disappears in traffic, I make my way to my own convertible; a metallic gray Aston Martin. I climb behind the wheel, with one thing in mind. The prowl, the hunt. I don’t have far to go; The Asylum will have everything I crave.
I pull into traffic and Duran Duran’s Hungry Like the Wolf, pops in my head. I’m on the hunt and I’m hungry like the wolf. The best fucking anthem ever.
It takes me less that fifteen minutes to reach my destination.
Entering The Asylum, I maneuver through a crowd of leather clad bodies, making my way to the bar. The Asylum is the hottest BDSM club in Los Angeles, and it is members only. That’s one of the things I love most about the club; its exclusivity. I don’t need a Hollywood sex scandal to know that the press can be brutal.
Before I’m able to grab a seat, the bartender passes me a drink. My preference, three fingers of top shelf single malt scotch. Snagging the drink, I scan the club for a potential playmate. I like watching, so when I spot Corrine and Ely Hamilton, I know I’m in for a show. The couple have been married five years and they don’t share. Their kink is exhibitionism. They get off on being watched. Ely notices me watching and whispers something into Corrine’s ear. She looks over her shoulder at me, giving me a not so innocent smile before hitching up her skirt. Corrine’s bare ass is impressive, and I can tell she knows it when she gives it a wiggle.
My cock throbs when Corrine kneels at Ely’s feet. Wasting no time, she frees his cock. A groan escapes my throat when Corrine takes her husband’s cock into her mouth. I watch her head bob up and down, giving Ely a blowjob. His hands cup the side of Corrine’s face, holding her in place. He flashes me a salacious grin, the moment he takes over, thrusting deep into his wife’s throat. When he throws his head back, for a split second I envy the bastard’s release. Ely is helping Corrine to her feet when movement in my peripheral steals my attention.
Eve Connors; a submissive who has been off limits to me until now. I catch her staring and she immediately averts her gaze. She’s only recently been without a master. While I’m more than willing to have her submit to me, I’m not looking for a 24/7 total power exchange.
Most of the members come here because this place offers a refuge where like-minded consenting adults can explore their kinks without judgment. And I am no exception. The Asylum gives me access to anything my debaucherously wicked mind can imagine. I come here, no pun intended, and I know I’m going to get laid. There is no pretense here, and that works for me.
Now that I’ve caught the scent of something new, I move in. When I reach Eve, she looks up at me through long black lashes, before lowering her gaze.
“Sir.” She knows better than to call me master. She is not mine. I’m simply claiming her for tonight.
Eve is gorgeous, with long raven hair hanging past her shoulders, expressive green eyes and pouty lips. My blood stirs imagining those lips around my cock. I extend my hand and she accept it, rising to her feet. The red dress she’s wearing is like a second skin, molding to her slender body.
Towering over her, I lean down to whisper in her ear. “I want to tie you up, but you get to decide where I will plant my cock first.”
Eve’s body trembles from my
dirty talk and I have to hold back a groan.
“Come with me.” I command, and like a good submissive she follows.
I enter the code to my private playroom. One of the benefits of platinum membership. Like I said, this place gives me access to everything. I could have all this at home of course, but my home is my sanctuary, and the membership is even more exclusive than The Asylum.
Anticipating what’s to come, my cock twitches against my zipper. Opening the door, the light comes on due to sensors. Eve walks in ahead of me. The first thing she sees is a St. Andrew’s Cross, the focal point of the room. I don’t need a bed since I don’t ever plan to fall asleep here. The cross is the only equipment I need in my playroom. It can be used for punishment or pleasure, with her front facing the cross, the submissive’s ass is on display and ripe for my flogger. But my favorite way to use the cross is to bind a submissive with her back to the cross, spread eagle and ready to take my cock.
To be honest there are other necessities that I require. My treasure chest contains a variety of toys, butt plugs, nipple clamps, flogger, ball gag and vibrators. A large chaise and a small powder room for aftercare. I’m not totally heartless; she can sleep if she wants to, just not with me.
Eve looks around the room before turning to face me. With heat glaring in her eyes she says, “I’ll take your cock in my mouth first.”
“Undress sweetheart.”
“Yes Sir.”
I take a seat on the edge of the chaise, watching as Eve peels away her dress before removing a black lace thong. Standing before me wearing nothing but black high-heels, Eve’s legs seem impossibly long. I will have them wrapped around my waist soon enough.
When Eve drop to her knees and crawls over to me, my cock doubles in size. After removing my shoes and socks, she frees my cock. She leans in to cover my cock with her mouth, but I stop her.
My cock bobs near her mouth when I stand. Pre-cum coats the head, and quick as a thief Eve’s tongue darts out and licks it clean.
“You will take my cock down your throat.”
Without hesitation Eve sucks me deeply into her mouth. It feels fucking incredible. When she tries to take me deeper, she gags.