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Inseparable Bond Page 12
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Page 12
Remembering where I am, I open my eyes and adjust my pants. However, thoughts of Avery are not so easy to push away. And it doesn’t help that her beautiful hazel eyes stare back at me from the photo on my desk. They seem to pierce my soul, seeing my innermost desires. I wonder if she has seen my desire for retribution. How far I’m willing to go to keep her safe. No. I think not, or she would not have left me.
My iPhone beeps, transferring my attention. A message from Avery, informing me of Evelyn’s status. I respond immediately.
That’s great! I’m so happy for you and the Prestons.
I know how much Evelyn means to Avery. She’s the surrogate mother who cared for Avery when she needed a mother the most. That’s why I’m determined to find out who attacked her. I have my suspicions, of course. And all roads lead to Sullivan.
My next meeting doesn’t require much attention or input from me. The final stages of the self-publishing app I designed are now complete and will launch on schedule. This new addition to Thorne Publishing will allow authors to publish their work without the involvement of a publishing house. We will, however, offer add-ons, such as editing services, book cover design, and marketing. But the author controls the entire process, maintaining their independence.
I’m wrapping up meeting number three, a teleconference, when Carter stalks in. Helen is hot on his heels because he has not been announced. I can tell by the look on his face that whatever he has found will not bode well. I end the call and dismiss Helen. Whatever Carter has to say can’t wait.
“The sonofabitch has bought the apartment Avery lived in with her mother and that fucker who put all this shit in motion.”
Carter’s words flay me, each syllable cutting deep, leaving me raw and exposed. I try to calm the raging tempest, control the maelstrom of feelings so powerful it’s blinding. Of there own volition my feet begin to move, practically running from my office. I know Carter has followed me, but his words are mute to me now. The last thing I hear is, “Delgado” before the elevator door closes.
I didn’t need to get the address from Carter. I know the place. I once lived there, too. A family of three just like Avery had. It’s strange to think how many times our paths my have crossed. It’s even stranger to imagine that if things had been better for the both of us back then, she could have been my first child’s babysitter. The child Camille loss shortly after moving into the building. The same building where Avery lost her mother and her innocence.
I don’t think I ever thought much about destiny until I met Avery. Now I truly believe my fate was decided a long time ago. I’m meant to love and protect Avery.
Stopping on the second floor, I make my way to Thorne Security’s armory. A quick retina scan allows me access. I grab a nine-millimeter semi-automatic handgun and a mag with enough rounds to stop a fucking dragon.
Traffic is on my side and I reach the apartment building ten minutes later. Delgado is standing outside the high-rise when I pull up to the curb.
“Mr. Thorne,” Delgado greets me before I’m out of the car. “Carter hasn’t had time to setup any type of surveillance. If you go in now you’re walking in blind.”
“Why the hell are you here, Delgado?” I question, climbing out of the parked car.
“Following Carter’s orders,” he says, before he spies the gun tucked in the waist band of my belt. “Apparently, I’m supposed to stop you from making the biggest mistake of your life.”
“The fucking mistake will be yours if you try to stop me!” The anger I’ve being trying desperately to contain is unleashed on Delgado. “There’s no fucking scenario in which this doesn’t end today. You know where he lives, so go and fucking arrest him or get the hell out of my way.”
Stepping aside, Delgado gives way to my fury. Then he follows me into hell.
We enter the building and I barely recognize the newly renovated lobby. I do, however, recognize the man standing at the front desk, James Holt. He hasn’t changed much in the three and a half years since I sold my apartment and moved out of the building. He looks to be about twenty pounds heavier, and he’s balder, but otherwise he looks the same.
Holt recognizes me immediately.
“Mr. Thorne. It’s good to see you again. What brings you here?”
“I’m running late for an appointment with unit 1004.”
Holt eyes me suspiciously but doesn’t voice his concerns.
“I’d better not hold you up then.”
I nod my appreciation and proceed to the elevator. The ride to the tenth floor is hellish made even more tortuous by the scent of lavender filling the air. It’s Avery’s fragrance but somehow it smells different, like it’s not quite hers.
The memory of the night I found Avery disoriented and abused in the garage of this very same building assaults my senses. What stands out the most is how I desperately wanted to be her protector and how deeply I felt connected to her even then. What I feel for her now is a million times deeper and I would give my life to know she will be safe always.
“If Sullivan is here I will arrest him. But you need to know I’ll be doing my job as a NYPD police officer, not as a Thorne Security employee.” Delgado’s voice brings me back to the here and now.
“And you need to know that by any means necessary, I am not letting Sullivan escape justice again.”
The elevator door opens just as Delgado and I come to an understanding. Stepping off the elevator an incoming message from Avery halts my footsteps.
Please forgive me, I love you more than life itself. There’s isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. That’s why I have no choice. It has to end where it began. Forever yours.
What the fuck?
Chapter 17
Ice cold fingers grip my spine. Returning to the apartment I shared with my mom and adoptive father is surreal. The elevator ride to the tenth floor is a torturous journey. Memories assail me, one after another. Some good, such as the memories of my mom so happy before she became ill. Memories of the man I call dad, losing himself to alcohol and gambling. But that’s not the memory to stall my footsteps.
The memory of Philip prostituting me, then selling my virginity still delivers a devasting blow.
“Are you ready for me, baby girl?” the man asked as he entered my mother’s home office. Followed by the stench of alcohol and foul body odor. The combination was a common theme among the men Philip sold me to.
“I have ten minutes with you,” he said as he unzipped and released his cock from his jeans. I watch him with disinterest from my place seated on the chair at my mother’s desk, where I was attempting to do my homework. “So, don't waste my time. Get over here and suck my dick. I'm ready to come.” I stood and walked over to him and dropped to my knees, started the ten-minute timer on my smart phone, took a deep breath, and put his cock into my mouth.
There was no need to speak to him. He knew the rules. No fucking and no hitting. Those were Philip’s rules. I had only one. No kissing. I suppose he thought he was protecting me. It was too late for that; my father had become my pimp and nothing he did made me feel safe or protected anymore.
This was number seven tonight. But there have been many nameless men over the past five days. I have no way of knowing how many I will have to service tonight. That was not my call. None of this was my choice. I’m trapped, and I fear the worst is yet to come.
The worst came, two nights later. When the bearded man returned for the payment Philip promised him.
“To be honest I didn’t think you could do it, Phil.” The bearded man’s laugh was creepy, and it scared me. “But I suppose when you’re desperate enough you will do almost anything.”
“Let’s just say I was motivated to think outside the box.” Philip said, offering him the envelope stuffed with cash.
I was there at Philip’s command. “Be nice to him. The sooner I pay him the sooner we can go back to normal” were his words before he invited the devil into our home again.
�So I’ve heard.” My skin crawled when the bearded man turned his attention to me. “How much for the virgin pussy?” His words shocked me, but it was Philip’s response that had me bolting to the door.
“Five thousand dollars,” Philip blurted out.
Before I could reach the door, the bearded man grabbed me by the arm, pulling me back to him. I wailed, kicked, and clawed at him, desperate to break free. But it was all for nothing, when Philip betrayed me again.
A blow to my face knocked me to the floor and rendered me unconscious.
That was the start of the real nightmare. And it’s only fitting that it should end where it all began.
The elevator pings and opens on the tenth floor, bringing me back to the present. Stepping off the elevator, I leave my fear behind. Because living in fear is no way to live. Sometimes you must seek justice for yourself. And when you do you have to be able to live with the consequences.
The door to the apartment is ajar. I open it completely and walk in. Surveying my surroundings, I search for anything that will give me an advantage. To my horror, the apartment is exactly the same. Everything that the eye can see belonged to me before it was sold nearly ten years ago.
“Hello, baby girl,” a voice in the shadows calls out. “I’ve missed you.”
“I can’t say the same.” The words come out weak, from a frightened girl.
Stepping out of the shadows, his menacing laughter fills the room. I stand face-to-face with the monster who raped and tormented me. He is older, of course, about fifty pounds heavier and no beard. But the same dark evil eyes that haunt my dreams stare at me now.
“Thorne is big news even in Ireland. Imagine my surprise when I saw photos of you with this billionaire asshole.”
“Lucian has nothing to do with this. Leave him out of it.”
“He has everything to do with this. He thought he could claim what’s mine.”
“I. Am Not. Yours.”
“I was your first baby girl.” His lascivious grin turns my stomach. “I gave you your first orgasm. Nothing will ever change that. And once we get away, it can be like it was. Just you and me.”
“No!” I shout, my voice firm and strong. “That is never going to happen.”
“Your father sold you to me and before that he had you giving blow jobs at fifty bucks a head,” he snorts at the unintended pun. “I saved you. You were better off with me.”
“I’d rather die before I let you touch me again.”
“Speaking of dying., I suppose you know by now that Phil returned to the cabin after taking you from me. I guess he figured he’d clean up any evidence that could lead back to him. Betting on the fact that I was dead. That was his last gamble. After I killed him, setting the cabin on fire just made sense. It was an added bonus when I found his passport and a ticket to Ireland in the front seat of his car. Assuming his identity was a piece of cake. A falsified autopsy report and one passport photo later I became Philip Hunter. Living in Ireland as Phil for the past ten years did have some perks. Sending you birthday cards was my way of letting you know I hadn’t forgotten you.”
His guilt is no surprise, his confession, however, is.
“Undress, baby girl. I know you remember how I like you.”
Ignoring his lewd command, I reach for the gun I have at my back tucked under my shirt in the waistband of my jeans. It was his mistake not to search me. Not that I would have allowed it.
“So, you want to start with the rough stuff. Fine by me.”
Quick as lightening he knocks the gun from my hand. Followed by a backhand across the face. I feel the sting in my eyes instantly, the force of the blow literally turning my cheek.
“You hit like a fifteen-year-old girl” I taunt, turning back to face him.
“Once I was done with you, I always planned to sell you just like all the others. Now that he’s had a taste I bet Thorne would paid a pretty penny to keep your sweet pussy all to himself.”
Blind rage consumes me. Curling my fist, I hit him in the center of his face, breaking his nose. Blood trickles down into his mouth before dropping to the floor.
“Bitch!” he shouts, barreling into me.
I fall back hard, crashing to the floor. The pain in my back and head immobilizes me for a few seconds. Ceasing the opportunity, he pins me down, trapping my hands above my head. Pawing at me with his free hand he rips my shirt open and grinds his cock against the zipper of my jeans. For the briefest of moments, panic strips me of my will to fight back. He is bigger and stronger than I am but giving up is not an option. When he tries to kiss me, self-preservation goes into overdrive. Using my head, I lunge forward, connecting with his mouth. At the same time, I lift my hips high and with all my might I manage to push him off me. Scrambling, I try to retrieve my gun. But his big hand wraps around my left ankle, pulling me back to him. I kick at him aimlessly with my right foot until it connects with his face. Breaking free of his hold, I grab my gun.
His laughter is ominous. “Never been in a Mexican standoff before,” he quips, pointing his gun at me.
My finger twitches, ready to pull the trigger. I close my eyes just before the first shot is fired. I hear him go down after the second shot. And when I open my eyes, he is dying at my feet. The red stain covering the carpet grows larger as blood flows from his head. Standing over him I watch as life slowly fades from his dark eyes, turning them black. Something deep inside me wishes he suffered longer. Something that was born out of the darkness he created.
Police sirens in the distance draw my attention away from the man who should have died ten years ago. And I wonder if they are coming for me.
Chapter 18
The sound of a gunshot speeds my heart, pumping adrenaline through my veins. I race down the hall to Avery’s old apartment at breakneck speed. I don’t have time to think about anything but Avery. Because I know in my heart that she is here facing off with a fucking demon.
Delgado trails close behind me. He pulls his gun out just as I kick the door in. It swings open crashing against the interior wall. The first thing I see is Avery standing over a lifeless body with a gun in her hand.
Sullivan’s lifeless body.
When Avery turns to face me, her face is bruised, and her shirt is covered with blood. Dear god, please don’t let it be her blood.
“He’s dead now.” Her tone is eerie, reminiscent of the night ten years ago when she uttered the words ‘all dead.’
For long seconds I stare into eyes that mirror my own shocked expression.
“Miss West.” Before he says the words, I know Delgado intends to arrest Avery. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court. With these rights in mind, are you still willing to talk with me?"
Avery remains silent, offering Delgado her wrist to take me into custody.
“Don’t you fucking cuff her!” I shout my command.
“Mr. Thorne, I...”
“She isn’t resisting. You can take her into the station without the cuffs,” I snarl, interrupting Delgado.
I attempt to close Avery’s shirt, but with most of the buttons missing it’s an impossible task.
“Hold your shirt together,” I whisper.
She does as I say.
One by one more police officers arrive. We are leaving the scene when Detectives Turner and Dodd join the fray. I follow Delgado to the police station. Jake is there waiting when we enter the building.
“I need to speak with my client before you question her,” Jake informs Delgado.
“You can speak with her after she has been booked and processed.”
“Seriously, Enzo. You’re booking her without proof that she committed the crime,” Jake fires back.
“She was standing over the victim with a gun in her hand. Then she practically confessed.”
“He wasn’t a godda
mn victim and she didn’t confess,” I interject.
Jake shakes his head, and I hold my tongue.
“I need to collect evidence before it comes contaminated. Her shirt is covered in blood.”
“It’s okay,” Avery tells Jake. “I want to cooperate.”
“Avery,” I plea.
“I don’t want any part of him touching me.” She tugs at the shirt like she wants to tear it from her body.
“Alright,” I agree, understanding her desperate need to be free of Sullivan.
“Don’t say anything,” Jake advises as Delgado leads her away.
“Please tell me you have a fucking plan to get Avery out of this. There’s no fucking way I’m going to let her...”
“Keep your voice down,” Jake warns. “She’s hasn’t been charged with anything.”
“But they will.” I hear the panic in my voice. “This can’t be fucking happening. I was supposed to protect her.”
“Right now, they’re collecting evidence. We don’t know where that will lead.”
“For fuck’s sake Jake, she was standing over a dead body with a gun in her hand. And it looks like she had gone a couple of rounds with a boxer.”
“Normally the police won’t act prematurely. Once an arrest is made they’re on the clock. They’ll need to present enough evidence to charge her.”
“And if the worst should happen?” I ask. “If she’s charged with murder, what then?”
“We’ll ask for bail,” Jake says. “Don’t give up hope. She’s going to need you whatever the outcome.”
Avery is gone for nearly ten minutes before Jake speaks again.
“Do you know why she was there? Why she was there alone?”
I think of Avery’s text message and I try to make sense of it.
Please forgive me, I love you more than life itself. There’s isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. That’s why I have no choice. It has to end where it began. Forever yours.